Live Update: Living in My Feelings

When I returned from Michigan in July I had good intentions of getting ahead on blog content before we left for Alaska.

I’ll have five full weeks to create awesome content, I assuredly told myself.

One of the most confounding parts about not having a job is still feeling like I don’t have enough time to do everything I want. It’s crazy. How can that be?

Note to self: just because you don’t have a job doesn’t mean you will have time abundance.

And, spoiler alert: I did not get ahead on creating content. In fact, I’m behind.

For good reason though.

I have a relative who was diagnosed earlier this year with soft tissue sarcoma (an aggressive, fast-moving cancer). She had surgery in January to remove the tumor. But since our return from Michigan we learned the cancer has spread to her lungs and lymph nodes. She’s only 27, just had a baby, and has a six-year old. It’s bad.

I’ve tried to let intuition guide me on how best to help. They aren’t the type of people who ask for help, like EVER. I’ve cooked meals, visited her at home and in the hospital, and taken a more active role to help her navigate treatment options and doctor appointments.

Aside from that, I’ve been incredibly sad and stunned at the gravity of this situation. And yes, I realize this sadly happens to people every day.

It’s a lot. Throw in some family baggage and trauma, and it’s a melting pot of feelings. Constantly.

In better news though, we are t-minus 8 days away from flying to Alaska for two-weeks! We are so incredibly excited. I’ve officially started my packing list. And of course, I can’t wait to share more about our adventures with you!

However, I’m also confronted with the reality of leaving for a significant period of time and not being available to help. Again, more feelings.

Looking ahead to this fall, I hope to share some exciting news with you related to his job and potentially scaling back from work. Needless to say this would be a huge life experiment for him!

Stay tuned…

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